A SZAGKHF Nyelvi Lektorátusa és a növendékei szeretettel várnak mindenkit egy kötetlen hangulatú angol nyelvű beszélgetésre, amely során a „Tuesdays with Morrie” című filmet dolgozzuk fel közösen.
Helyszín: Agora
Időpont: 2013. október 24. (csütörtök) 20.00 óra
"When you know how to die, you know how to live, that`s the philosophy of an amazing man named Morrie Schwartz. A retired professor, he`s been a lifetime of inspiration to his students, including Mitch Albom, who abandoned early dreams of being a jazz pianist for a flashy career as a celebrity sports reporter. Now Morrie`s facing his biggest challenge: a terminal illness. Typically, Morrie turns this tragedy into something positive. In dying, he will teach others how to live life to the full - and how to be honest with those they love. And who better to benefit from Morrie`s invaluable lessons in life than Mitch, a man for whom money and celebrity have come to mean more than love and happiness."
Inantsy-Pap Ágnes
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